Sunday, April 27, 2008

Up Early, Met a "Morning" Bat

We have long had bats in the evening, at most 3-4 at a time. Today was the first time I have seen one in the morning, but then again I am rarely up at dawn.

This fellow has a wing span of about 8 inches which is large, typically these bats have bodies the size of hamsters and wing spans of 5-6 inches.
Feeding must be very good at the moment as the skeeters are out in force as it rained pretty good about 5 days ago.

Try this link to BCI which has a good picture of a similar type. Not sure if the type in the pic is really the same but it looks about right for what we see when they roost under our eves.

Family: Vespertilionidae
Genus: Nycticeius
Species: humeralis
Common Name: evening bat

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