Saturday, May 17, 2008

Picture Post

While looking at the photos on our camra a found a picture of a nice moth. Here i will post it up. It was found by our front door and didn't seem like it wanted to fly. It looked like it was hurt but it flew off by the time i looked there again.

King Louis vs A Scrub Jay

Today we saw a big king snake, we named him King Louis, in our back yard. it was being attacked by a Scrub Jay and his tail was hurt. He is currently living under a rock in our back yard and will probably stay there while he recovers from his injury. Interestingly he was trying to imitate a rattlesnake and rattled his tail. I got some pictures of Louis, his home, and the Scrub Jay that was bothering him.

Rose and Murray

I finnaly got some pictures of the quail in that nest in our rosemary. I named the male one Murray and the female Rose (RoseMurray). Heres is a picture of ____ and the rosemary that they nest in.

Ps: They seem to be fine even though my dad watered them.
Pss: sorry do to technical problems i can't get the pictures up. will try to get them up soon

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Up Early, Met a "Morning" Bat

We have long had bats in the evening, at most 3-4 at a time. Today was the first time I have seen one in the morning, but then again I am rarely up at dawn.

This fellow has a wing span of about 8 inches which is large, typically these bats have bodies the size of hamsters and wing spans of 5-6 inches.
Feeding must be very good at the moment as the skeeters are out in force as it rained pretty good about 5 days ago.

Try this link to BCI which has a good picture of a similar type. Not sure if the type in the pic is really the same but it looks about right for what we see when they roost under our eves.

Family: Vespertilionidae
Genus: Nycticeius
Species: humeralis
Common Name: evening bat

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Big Lizzard in yard

While watering plants this morning I jumped for an instant when I saw a critter similar to the picture slither towards me. Standing quite still the California Aligator lizard crept towards a dry bush and rocks near by.

Friday April 25 2008

Today my dad found a king snake in our front yard by our drive way. It doesn't have a name yet but we can name it later after we get some pictures. there are also some small lizards all around our property but just the common type. my dad also looked at a large lizard that look like a snake with legs. will post more when i get pictures.
Image from Quintessential California

Saturday April 26 2008

Today my dad when watering accidentally watered a bird's nest and the Quail went crazy. it took the north yard Quail 20 minutes to calm down the and the pair in the south yard are still at it right now. The 2 male Blue Jays from the upper and lower yard are still fighting (sort of) but it is just them chasing eachother. the females are just ignoring the fight and staying in the vine nest at the east (upper) and west (lower) nests.

The 8 birds have yet to be named and i'm not sure about there exact species but this is northbay california.

here is a generic Quail picture since i don't got a picture from our yard yet.

California quail (Callipepla californica)
© William H. Mullins, The National Audubon Society Collection/Photo Researchers